We've had a full schedule lately; it seems like we are always on the run. Fortunately my energy level is really high at times (which helps me keep up!) and really low at others (not so good).
I thought I'd share a picture of our new little energy-zapper :)
I thought I'd share a picture of our new little energy-zapper :)

Samantha had a field trip to the Orlando Shakespeare Theater for a special performance of If You Give A Cat A Cupcake. Our kids (along with me) love those series of children's books, so we had a great time! I only wish we could have taken pictures during the show!

Sammie outside the theater....

Ready for the show to start!

52 Weeks is a year long challenge for YOU to be in a picture once a week for 52 weeks. Moms are typically the ones behind the camera, this is OUR chance to get out in front and be in the pictures with our family.