Thursday, October 29, 2009

17 of 52: An International Feast

These pictures are from the International Feast at Samantha's preschool. There are many different nationalities represented at her school and the entire week was spent learning about other cultures. Today there was an amazing feast where families brought food from Korea, the Phillipines, Italy, Lebanon, Poland, Brazil, Sweden, Ireland, Cuba, China, all over the U.S., and many more places. It was a yummy day!

He's got the whole world in His hands...yes He does!


52 Weeks is a year long challenge for YOU to be in a picture once a week for 52 weeks. Moms are typically the ones behind the camera, this is OUR chance to get out in front and be in the pictures with our family.

So, get yourself in the picture every week for 52 Weeks. Be in a picture with one or more or your children and post your "family photo" on your blog every Thursday - don't forget to list your post on MckLinky on Carin's blog

Sunday, October 25, 2009

So Watcha Been Doin' Down in F.L.A.? (part 2-May)

I was looking back at old posts and saw this one that was written back in February. Little did I know as we spent that month in Orlando while my husband worked, that we would be packing up and moving here less than three months later.
I have not been the best blogger since we got here, so this is my attempt to fill in some of the blanks since we arrived. I figured I'd start with May. The unpacking and getting settled are givens, but apart from that we...

Went to Sea World (yes, we love it there) for the opening of
Manta, which is now officially my favorite roller coaster ever.

Ice sculpture at the event I couldn't resist taking a picture of....

Before we rode, we popped on into a nearby aquarium for a photo op...

We headed to the coast....

To find a good spot for our summer vacation...

We met up with old friends...

And I was glad Goofy and I talked that morning about what shirts we were going to wear...

Daddy helped each girl catch a lizard....

We said goodbye as we let each one go. This one ran home; but not before biting Savannah...
Mommy explored her favorite places she didn't have in Las Vegas....

Samantha turned four - and almost lost the "who can go the longest without talking" game....

Daddy's a Star Wars fan, so we couldn't miss this...

We met some of our new neighbors...

And as they left.....

We realized they couldn't read...

We drove in a lot of this....

But had fun in spite of the view....

We didn't mind because there was plenty of this....

And that concludes May.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

16 of 52: Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party

Each year we try to take the girls to a Halloween-Alternative event such as a Harvest or Fall Festival. We don't know if that is going to work out this year or not, so we were happy to have the chance to attend Mickey's Not-So-Scary event at Magic Kingdom. It was raining when we left the house so the kids didn't wear their costumes, but they got a lot of candy, visited with the characters who were out that night, rode some rides....We had a great time all around!

Many of the characters that night were wearing costumes, there was a special fireworks show, parade and a dance party with some very special guests!

And now I just have to try to stay away from this while the girls are at school!...


52 Weeks is a year long challenge for YOU to be in a picture once a week for 52 weeks. Moms are typically the ones behind the camera, this is OUR chance to get out in front and be in the pictures with our family.

So, get yourself in the picture every week for 52 Weeks. Be in a picture with one or more or your children and post your "family photo" on your blog every Thursday - don't forget to list your post on MckLinky on Carin's blog

Sunday, October 18, 2009

That'll teach me...

I have been talking complaining about the weather for the past few weeks.
I was upset.
It seemed everyone was experiencing "Fall" but me.

Yesterday fall descended on our cheery city.

I was LOVING IT all day.

I had every window open; I began my "fall cleaning" (a weak beginning, but I did start) and felt officially approved to finish putting up our fall decor.
I was loving life.
Until last night...

We went out to eat after church and when we left the restaurant,

Swiping half of the kids ice cream after dinner didn't help...
But it was COLD!
I couldn't get in the car and turn on the heat and seat warmers fast enough.
All the while, my husband was laughing at me...

It was 60 degrees.

I didn't care.
It felt like winter to me.

And the kids wore feet pajamas to bed.

Be careful what you wish for.
All of a sudden, sweating by the pool was sounding good.
What's wrong with me?

On a more serious note (which doesn't show how completely ridiculous I can be), I wanted to share a highlight from church last night.
The service we attend has a great mix of contemporary worship but does not neglect the great traditional hymns which so beautifully communicate praise to our Lord. So many of them are full of such great wisdom and deep theological truths.

Sometimes I love just reading the lyrics....

Thought I'd share one of my favorites...

Take my life and let it be
Consecrated, Lord, to Thee;
Take my hands and let them move
At the impulse of Thy love.

Take my feet and let them be
Swift and beautiful for Thee;
Take my voice and let me sing,
Always, only for my King.

Take my lips and let them be
Filled with messages from Thee;
Take my silver and my gold,
Not a mite would I withhold.

Take my moments and my days,
Let them flow in endless praise;
Take my intellect and use
Every pow’r as Thou shalt choose.

Take my will and make it Thine,
It shall be no longer mine;
Take my heart, it is Thine own,
It shall be Thy royal throne.

Take my love, my Lord, I pour
At Thy feet its treasure store;
Take myself and I will be
Ever, only, all for Thee.

Frances R. Havergal
, 1874

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship." Romans 12:1 (NIV)

I love this current arrangement (which is how we sing it at church):

(if you want to listen, be sure to pause the music player on the right...)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

15 of 52: Magic Kingdom Express

We are not having "fall" weather yet - but we are experiencing some of the other perks of the season. Short lines at theme parks! Yaaa!
We are trying to take advantage of this time and go to one of the parks each week. If we plan it right, we can get there after school and still stick to a semi-reasonable bedtime. The kids think it's a great way to end a school day (obviously) do we, we just have to keep telling them that this lifestyle is not the 'norm'...
Great thing is, the last two times we were at Magic Kingdom, we were able to ride 7 rides in 2 hours...can't beat that!
I'm loving that all the parks are decorated for fall....that means Christmas decorations are just around the corner!

In our family, being tall enough to ride "Splash Mountain" is a Rite of Passage. Samantha finally made it!

It was so bright, I almost didn't get the shot...but if you look closely you can see them...they have their hands up...even Sammie!

A little wet after that...but worth it!


52 Weeks is a year long challenge for YOU to be in a picture once a week for 52 weeks. Moms are typically the ones behind the camera, this is OUR chance to get out in front and be in the pictures with our family.

So, get yourself in the picture every week for 52 Weeks. Be in a picture with one or more or your children and post your "family photo" on your blog every Thursday - don't forget to list your post on MckLinky on Carin's blog