Thursday, April 30, 2009

52 Week Challenge - 6/52

This is a SUPER FUN challenge hosted by Carin at Forever in Blue Jeans. Moms spend an awful lot of time behind the camera. The idea of this challenge is for us to get on the OTHER side of the camera in at least one photo a week.

It has been a VERY full week for us (update later) and it was not easy stopping to take a photo, but we did it!

There are many exciting things going on in our lives right now, but not a lot of time to handle it all, so my family has really stepped up to help. My brother and sister-in-law kept the kids overnight one night this week so I could get some things done and my mom did the same last night! What a HUGE help! I will be forever grateful.
I decided when picking up the kids today to sneak in a picture while we had my Mom to do the shooting.....

After taking this picture I realized it would probably be a good idea to wipe the jelly off of the kids' faces before taking the picture! So, here is clean-faced "take two"....


52 Weeks is a year long challenge for YOU to be in a picture once a week for 52 weeks. Moms are typically the ones behind the camera, this is OUR chance to get out in front and be in the pictures with our family.

So, get yourself in the picture every week for 52 Weeks. Be in a picture with one or more or your children and post your "family photo" on your blog every Thursday - don't forget to list your post on Mr. Linky on Carin's blog!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

52 Week Challenge - 5/52

This is a wonderful challenge hosted by Carin at Forever in Blue Jeans. Moms spend an awful lot of time behind the camera. The idea of this challenge is for us to get on the OTHER side of the camera in at least one photo a week. Be sure to check out Carin's inventive shot this week...wish I had thought of that! I can't wait to check out everyone else's challenge photos!

When I see everyone's adorable Easter pictures, I am feeling a little sad. We had a great Sunday morning at church, had a quick lunch with my parents and then we were off to drop my husband at the airport...again! It was a busy day and I didn't pick up the camera once.

The good news is my husband will be home in a couple of hours; and I have pictures from LAST Easter! (which, by the way, feels like last WEEK)

I am sure this year's Easter photo would have looked just about the same.
The girls and I wore the same thing.
I know. We have been busy.
Yes, that's a fashion faux pas.
A few years ago I wouldn't have admitted to such a thing.
Or done such a thing.
I guess I'm growing!

Last year my mother-in-law visited us for Easter, so we were able to get this fun shot with my husband's parents. It was a happy day!


52 Weeks is a year long challenge for YOU to be in a picture once a week for 52 weeks. Moms are typically the ones behind the camera, this is OUR chance to get out in front and be in the pictures with our family.

So, get yourself in the picture every week for 52 Weeks. Be in a picture with one or more or your children and post your "family photo" on your blog every Thursday - don't forget to list your post on Mr. Linky on Carin's blog!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Misery Loves Company....

but who wants to be around it?

Monday, April 13, 2009

It's Not About the Bunny....

Being a Christian does not rid your life of all controversy.

We do stand firmly rooted on certain foundational, immovable, non-negotiable truths; yet, alongside those truths are MANY topics which are up to each of us to decide where we stand - and then stand there (with a certain degree of flexibility!)

Although I spent this weekend focusing on the sacrifice Christ made for us and what His resurrection means; I also spent a fair amount of time thinking about Easter traditions: eggs, bunnies, candy, bonnets, dresses and the like. Since becoming an adult, and even more so after having children, I have had to re-think so many things. As our children grow, learn to communicate and process their own thoughts and feelings, I continue to re-think my stand on many topics. This week's topic was (appropriately) Easter traditions.

Having grown up in the church, I feel comfortable saying that I have heard just about every debate on holiday practices, their various roots and origins, and opinions about the place they hold (or shouldn't hold) in the life of a Christian. As with many of these debates, I've found there comes a time when I need to make an informed decision about what my opinion is and then move on. (until such time I am prompted to re-think that decision!)

This is my current determination regarding Easter...

I know the true meaning of Easter: the day we, as Christians celebrate Christ's Resurrection. On the other hand, I have read about the pagan origins of 'Easter', the symbolism of bunnies and eggs and fertility, and the worship of these as gods, etc. (thanks Wikipedia and Google for refreshing my memory!)

So, as a Christian, and as a mommy, what do I do with this information?

We love springtime. At the close of winter, we start celebrating all things spring. We have little girls, so this includes tea parties, picnics, baby animals, flowers, bunnies, life in general.

Easter is about Christ's resurrection and all those things we surround ourselves with to celebrate spring also celebrate the new life given to us through His resurrection. I personally don't view our decorating Easter eggs as participating in a tribute to the gods of fertility. Our children know that eggs (naturally) represent new life, are a healthy snack, and are at times a simple object lesson to help them grasp the concept of the trinity.

More often than not, we dress up on Easter Sunday; just as we would any other time we have something to celebrate. We choose to give the day we celebrate Christ's resurrection the same honor we would a special birthday or a wedding.

Odds are, our children will grow up surrounded by fluffy dresses, baskets, candy, bunnies and eggs at Easter time...even if they are not present in our home. I feel it is my responsibility to instill in them the amazing truths about Easter so that they will be remembered each time the trappings hit the store shelves.

Some may have entirely different convictions on this topic...and that's okay. We are all held accountable for what God has shown us is right or wrong for us personally. I do believe that anytime holiday practices overshadow the truth or distract from it, it is cause for alarm and time for us to refocus.

For now, you will see eggs on my blog, baskets of candy in our kitchen and dresses on Easter Sunday. But rest assured, if you ask my children what we are celebrating on Easter, they will tell you we are celebrating the new life we have because Jesus rose from the dead. (and if they don't, let me know and we will go over it again!)

Some things I enjoyed reading this week:
It's Not About the Bunny by Martha Matthews
Why the Easter Bunny? by Resurgence
The Truth About Easter by MckMama

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Resurrection Day!

"Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, He has risen!"
Luke 24

Be sure to hit "pause" off to the right before playing...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Favorite Things Friday - Veggie Tales Easter Carol

Be sure to hit "pause" off to the right first!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

52 Weeks - 4/52

I had to look back and see what number I was on since I didn't make it very far before I got side-tracked! I love this challenge hosted by Carin at Forever in Blue Jeans. Moms spend an awful lot of time behind the camera. The idea of this challenge is for us to get on the OTHER side of the camera in at least one photo a week.

My husband was recently home for a FULL WEEK! He still had to work, but at least we were all in the same city. We tried to make the most of our time - weather in Vegas is tricky this time of year - one day we may be wearing shorts, running around outside and the next we may be bundled up hoping the wind won't blow us down the street! We took advantage of a cold but finally windless evening to have a backyard bonfire. Fun!


52 Weeks is a year long challenge for YOU to be in a picture once a week for 52 weeks. Moms are typically the ones behind the camera, this is OUR chance to get out in front and be in the pictures with our family.

So, get yourself in the picture every week for 52 Weeks. Be in a picture with one or more or your children and post your "family photo" on your blog every Thursday - don't forget to list your post on Mr. Linky on Carin's blog!

The 'Not So Lazy' Days of Spring....

I see why summer has the 'lazy days', because spring is proving to be anything but lazy! I have somehow not blogged for three weeks! We have had a pretty full life here these days and I am thankful that my absence has been because we have been busy dealing with all of the things that God has blessed us with rather than dealing with family crises.
I have been thinking this week that the popularity of blogging has given those of us that 'partake' in it a view into the families of so many other people - people that we would not have the joy of knowing if we weren't stalking them online visiting their blogs to see what they are up to.
For me, at this stage in my life with our children being small and my having blocks of time where I feel like I could get stuck for weeks under a big mess in our house and no one would notice I was gone it is hard to find time to interact with other adults face to face, having a connection with others - even if over the internet - is a nice thing.
Well, I digress (again)...what I have really been thinking is that having this 'inside line' into others' lives has opened my eyes to how much God has truly blessed my family. (This is a lesson I have to learn over and over again since I tend to get self-centered over and over again). Don't get me wrong, we have had our share of difficulties, but so many are dealing with major financial struggles, lost jobs, extremely sick babies, their own illness or that of their spouse and other tragedies. Being a part of these things (even from afar) is an opportunity to pray for others, look for ways to encourage, and gives me a chance to look beyond the pity parties I can be prone to because I am so "overwhelmed" with life - a life that when I stop and take account of it, I see how truly blessed I am to have it!